Spanish Flu — The Deadliest Pandemic in Centuries

Suhail Umar
3 min readMar 15, 2020

“Mother Nature’s ruthless to the weak, but isn’t arbitrary cruel or negative. Mother Nature saves aggression for extreme situations, and instead uses consistent leadership — to help keep things running smoothly. Mother nature doesn’t rule by fear and anger, but by calm strength and assertiveness”

In bad times when people all around the world are facing a health disaster in the form of Coronavirus, the world has come together to fight against it. But this world has seen the worse side of it.

Over a period of centuries, the world has seen many plagues, pandemics, and epidemics and one of the most lethal in the past century started during the first world war (1918–1920). It is famously called a Spanish Flu or Influenza Pandemic

How did it start?
The research says it was originated from The US and spread in the world when The US jumped into World War I and their soldiers spread throughout the globe.
World War I was mainly a ‘trench war’ where soldiers had to stay in the trenches for days and months without getting out. The condition of these trenches was very unhygienic and due to close proximity with other infected soldiers, it spread very quickly. The infected soldiers carried the virus and spread it in the world. By the end of summers of 1918, Spanish Flu spread through entire Europe, Us, and other countries.

Soldiers in trench

What was so unique about this Virus?

This virus mainly attacked the young population, from 20–30. This virus came in 3 different phased, in summer it got little down but got stronger and more lethal in the next phase.
In the second phase, the death rate reached over 25/1000 which is much higher in medical terms

3 Phased of Spanish Flu

Death Figures:

Since there is no exact figure available, some researches say death because of this virus went above 5 Crore in just 2 years. Highest ever observed in centuries

How did we combat?

When Spain put it out in their open media, the world started focusing on the deadly virus. In a matter of sometimes, various new hospitals were built, an army basis was transformed into hospitals to treat the affected patients.
Public gathering restrictions were put up. Schools, colleges, movie halls, and various other gathering were restricted by various Govt to combat the virus

Army base: Turned into a hospital
Shutting down of schools/churches

What can we learn from this?

During the time of Spanish flu, we lacked the medical sciences and open and communication and knowledge sharing. Today, we have it all. And the whole world has come together to combat the Coronavirus. The necessary steps were taken by various Govt, including our Govt, is highly appreciated. The restriction on unnecessary gathering/travel would surely mellow down the overall impact of Coronavirus unlike in the case of Spanish Flu.

When this world comes together, we can fight anything. And we will :)

