Does God exist?

Suhail Umar
4 min readAug 13, 2023

This blog is solely based on logic and fundamental reasoning. It has nothing to do with any specific faith or Holy Book. In this blog, I am mentioning a few logics and reasons whose results are nothing but the proof of existence of God.

Order from disorder

Our Universe is a massive space with billions and trillions of Planets, Moons, Stars and other objects. We simply can’t quantify the size of the Universe and end up calling it “infinity”. Everything about our Solar sytsem establishes that a slight disorder would have led to distruction of the system. Had Earth been an a kilometer closer or farther to Sun, then earth wouldn’t have been liveale (either too hot or too cold).(read here).
It means this whole system is a Highly organised system or Ordered System

This solar system displays a remarkable degree of organization — an ordered structure. Now, revisiting the idea that everything emerged spontaneously, is it feasible that such a intricately ordered system originated from chaos?

Thermodynamic Principle talks about net energy of a high entropy system is 0. It means, for the system to have a non-zero (finite) energy, i.e Order, the system has to be ordered. In simpler terms, a non-zero (finite) energy, or order, in a system necessitates inherent order. Essentially, creating a highly ordered system from disorder is not feasible without external energy — implying an ordered system demands an order-inducing force.

Disorder is more probable than order

Hence, this Order in case of this Universe is nothing but the Creator of this world. Who is highly Ordered and has power (energy) to make this system Ordered.

Something out of Nothing

Big Bang led to the creation of this massive universe. But what triggered the Big Bang? Scientifically, we don’t know the answer to that, but we know that Universe came out of Big Bang (Something).
So, even Big Bang too came out out of something. Hence, there’s simply no possibility that Something (Big Bang) came out of Nothing. Something finite can only come from Something finite.
So, when we say something led to Big Bang, it can’t be nothing. It must be something which has knowledge, powerful and capable can to do this.

Hence, this Universe simply did not come out of Nothing. Something (aka God), who has the power and ability, brought everything to reality.

Probability of Order from Disorder

For a minute, let’s assume this whole Universe and everything in it from Planets, Stars, Moons, gasses, elements, metal, blood cells, plasma, atom, electron, proton, EVERYTHING came into existent in a superb well-defined ordered on its own. What are the chances?

Before answering this, let’s find this out

Let’s assume a bag contains 10 balls numbered from 1 to 10. And you have to randomly pick a ball one at a time in a way that they are picked in the right sequence from 1 to 10. Meaning, first ball should be numbered 1, next ball is number 2, and next is 3 and so on until 10.
What is the probability of achieving this order?
Answer is 1: 2.7M combination. (close to 0)

So, even to pick 10 balls out of disorder to arrange them in the proper Order, the probability is close to 0. Just 10 balls. Then with the sane mind, can we just assume that everything we see came out in a proper order on its own (disorder)?
No highly ordered system comes out of disorder without an external force. Even picking out 10 balls requires knowledge and power to arrange them in an Order.

Hence, Order only comes out of Order. The Superpower, Almighty, is the Only power that made this highly Ordered system came into existence.

Is Science God?

Let’s say you entered in a classroom and you see that a sentence is written on the board “I love eating Apple”, what would be the first thought come to your mind?
A. Someone who knows laws of English (grammer) wrote this
B. English language wrote it by itself on the board

Of course “A”. There has to be an external force which has taken this action to write it on the board. Someone who understands English laws wrote the sentence on the Board.
Likewise, when you see a fire burning, it must be that someone started that fire (or started by short circuit). Eventually, an external action was taken.
Lighting a matchstick itself is a simple Science. So, someone is required to use that Science to burn a matchstick. Science is a way to do things. Science itself can not burn a matchstick (fire) unless an external force does that, let alone arranging all the Planets and Moons in a proper order.

God is that external force who has knowledge of everything (Science). Using that knowledge He created everything we see and don’t see. Science is His method to do things in a fashion that we humans we can understand.

Everything is atoms

Everything is made up atoms (and quarks within). Atoms are lifeless, and emotionless building blocks which are non-consicous. Then what makes a single cell bacteria to a human being full of emotions, conscious and full of life if everything is atoms?

Consider: lifeless atoms generating consciousness and emotions. (which we call Life). This implies a powerful, potent, conscious, and knowledgeable entity infusing life into these atoms

Who that Power is? You know the answer :)

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